Has it already been vlose to a week since I’ve posted? Time flies 🤯

Anyways, in the meantime i was working on the colour scheme and her glove design.

I started with the main Idea: I wanted to work with some colours I found on cool looking lightning images, and obviously integrate the lightning fraction’s colour from the logo. Sooooo what I did was colour picking that and also created a couple colour schemes from lightning reference pictures. Then I mashed all that together a bit and evaluated which would work and which wouldn’t and just had some fun and some help from adobe kuler lol.

So the first three in the following image were Based on my favourite result of these schemes, but it didn’t really fit the feel I wanted for the character. So I desaturated it and played with the values and ended up liking the dynamics, so I created many iterations on that. Haven’t quite decided on , so I went ahead and just started on the glove :smiley:

As I wanted to combine magic and technology for this character/glove/whatever, I had to get into some mecha stuff. And I’m not good at mecha stuff. BUT I’m Here to learn not to win so I accepted the challenge and whipped some ideas up. Not really satisfied so far, it needs some work on the aesthetics and practicality, but I hope the general Idea is visible already.

basically I wanted ot to be a huge glove which is steered by the hands inside, via some technology inside, to give the small girl character a little more WHOOM in her punch and create a focus on her hand.
On the funvtional side, the idea is that there’s a larger ring around the wirst powered by some elemental gems which are held floating around it and it’s energy being converted and focused, and then directed to the mechanical fingers to shock the enemy when punched.

It’s missing the effects right now but I hope What I mean is understandable :smiley:

It’s really exciting to work on a longer and more in-depth character design again, it’s been about half a year since I did that so I’m enjoying this process a lot 🥳 :smile:

Update time!

Considering there’s only a week left to deliver the final product, I decided to create this and then go directly to the final illustration. Not entirely happy with how the gloves look yet, but I guess I’ll come up with a better design while I’m wirking On the illustration itself. Same goes with textures and small adjustments in hues. Though I am pretty happy so dar with how this turned out!
As my primary goal was to learn and improve my skills I am very delighted with how much I’ve learned in this past month. Looking forward to the rest of the progress!

Also I’ve been scribbling a few composition ideas, I have a pretty clear image in my head bit I want to explore a bit more in the coming days.

Worked on the Composition a bit and also tried a few colour dynamic ideas... not sure what to do yet, I'll figure that out tomorrow! :smiley:

EDIT: Those images were huge, oopsie

A quick Update in between: Finalized the composition and lines, off to do the rendering! :smiley:

I flipped the image to look for mistakes and I kinda liked it that way... IÄll see if I flip it back in the end.
Oh and also I changed up a few details on the hand!

First Rendering Pass done! Now to the more detailed and finer versions. Lost motivation a bit after havin to do the face like 3 times to get somewhat happy with it, but I looked at it today with fresh eyes and get through much better :smile:

The hair and gauntlet's colours aren't final yet btw, I just think it's easier to do them in coulour right away rather than b/W first :smiley:

Same-day Update, wow :scream: did most of the raw rendering on the character, and added a testversion of colours. I think I'll have to change the original plan a bit in favor of clarity in the final illustration :joy:
Also I noticed the contrast is way too strong because of my display's settings. Gotta do something about that later. For now I changed it in this preview:

Be careful with where you place the lightning insignia! It has to be visible in the final piece xO I wish you the best of luck on completing before the deadline

Oh yes, thanks for that reminder! I added it on a couple details as well as on her Bodysuit, so I hope that counts as visible :smile:

I actually managed to finish it before the deadline :'D I'd love to add more details here and there but I'll call this done for sanity reasons :smiley:
Just updated the description with the final Version but I'm posting it hre again to have a nice visual progression in the thread ... :smiley:

Ahh good job on finishing it looks great!