Congratulations to everyone who participated in the first WORLDS Challenge, the turnout has blown away our expectations and this makes it all the more difficult to pick finalists. Here are the results of the first round of judging. To everyone who didn't make it this time around, stay tuned for the next iteration of the Art War and come back stronger than ever!

If you are convinced your entry was good enough the be in this selection, please re-read the submission requirements carefully to see how you might have disqualified yourself - there was unfortunately a few entries that didn't make the cut because of it!


3D Finalists

2D Finalists

Stay tuned next week for the FINAL 5 annoucement!

Good job guys! Honored to be among hard working dudes !

Great work everyone, really cool to see the 3D worlds, there's an incredible amount of work in those!

Congratulation to all finalists.

First of all I don't want to offense anybody all works was great and I know I have long road to improve but I have right to say what I think about 2d finals :

If you are convinced your entry was good enough the be in this selection, please re-read the submission requirements carefully to see how you might have disqualified yourself - there was unfortunately a few entries that didn't make the cut because of it!

"You may use 3D for the construction of your environment only - no 3D objects or materials should be visible in your final illustration"

I see textures materials and photos in some finalist's work! And that lead to my complain:

It's unfair to compares work of people who actually paint their works like DeivCalviz and jtuffdesigns for example with someone who just photo-bashing or make 3d paint over!! Please Cubebrush make another category and put all matte painting, 3d paint over and photo-bashing in that category!! This is not some studio works where you don't have time and because of that you can make photo bashing or 3d paint overs because of the deadline. This is art contest or I'm wrong? If I'm wrong just use formula from the image who I post and you will be finalist :smile:

I agree that matte paintings should (maybe in the future) have there own category. Its a different work flow , and it needs a different skill set. Its ,by no means, worse or better. Just different.

Congrats to all of the finalist here. Awesome work from everyone.

The artworks are so incredible! Though I am a little bit surprised that entry ,,Cats after people'' didn't make it to the final. Could judges add the reason why they chose each artwork? It will help me to understand and it will let me improve :smile:

For me the reason is:

My thoughts exactly! I knew from the start I wasn't gonna win, I mostly took part for the experience, so I'm not talking out of spite here or anything. So many incredible pieces here, I can't say they are not deserving of being finalists.
The fact that you can clearly see 3D objects/textures and photo parts in 2D contest pieces is a little frustrating (despite the pieces being great overall, which is beside the point here).

I honestly believe ''Cats after People'' should be in there, I don't think that cat in the corner can count as the main focus of the image... Shame.
I mean, they were more lenient on the 3D parts-not-visible rule in the first place :stuck_out_tongue:

The sad thing for me is that these days majority of industry and artists rely on other peoples photos\work and software.Just look all art of (place some AAA title here) and majority of art is photo bashing. And people go "wow" "amazing" but do they realize that is cheating. If you rely on some 3d software to make you perspective, lighting, colors, etc. and you make some brushstrokes above all, can we call that 2d art? Same with photo-bashing. If I get someones artwork and paint some alien in the picture can I call it my art or I will be blamed for stealing? Or if I get 5-6 works from some game/movie make some photo bashing can I get the credits that I make unique artwork?

For me if you can't reproduce the same result who achieve with digital on traditional media you don't make art. Your software make it. Yes we all uses references but one is to just learn from them but another is to copy and paste it in your art. That's why people from traditional media much easy can do digital art but for people who rely on filters photos and other "shortcuts" is hard to make good traditional painting. That's why people like James Gurney and Kazuo Oga for example is rare but people who make photo-bashing are everywhere and their artworks look the same. Yes the photo bashing look good but don't have the style - looks like photos what they really are after all. Can I call myself writer if I get someone else novels, combine what I like in them and maybe add 20% from myself in the end results? For me that is photo bashing or it's other name is collage.

I have a feeling that industry don't want art they want fast work and kept deadlines. And that's why I want at least the art challenges to be free from these techniques or just put them on their own category. I don't want to offense nobody, just want to say my opinion.

I had the same question about "Cats after people" Maybe it lacked the main focal point ? Yeah , I also was bummed that it didn't make it in....And surprised.

maybe this technic requirement was mandatory

I totally forgot about this rule! That's probably why ,,Cats after people" wasn't chosen? What a shame. If I ever entered a contest, I'd better read rules properly.

Congratulations to all finalists!
Great works I see here and I'm honored to find my unworthy piece among them!

I too was a bit surprised that ,,Cats after people" didn't qualify (it was one of my favorite) but... first of all I believe we all should respect the judges - no matter if they judge accordingly to our preferences or if we qualified or not. Second - maybe it was indeed the matter of concept Sheet requirement... ehhh...

Anyway - congratulations once again to all finalists and... to all who worked hard to bring their works to state "Final image"!


P.S. As for never ending (for unknown for me reason) debate about splitting artistic tools into 2D, 3D, traditional, digital... and - above all - what is "true art" and who is "true artist".... what I think goes like this: Caravaggio wasn't one of the greatest artists of his time because he was using - what we call today - traditional mediums. He was using the most advanced mediums of his time - that's all. The same story is with Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Diego Velázquez, Rembrandt... There's a pretty big chance that if they would live today, they would use digital tools because these are the most advanced tools of our time. You can't reproduce on traditional media everything what can be achievable in digital media in reasonable time and effort because they are different mediums and have their own boundaries. I believe that "true artist" should use tools that suits him the best and that suits the task that he has to accomplish. There is no reason to use one hand when you have two hands. That is - as Spock would say - completely illogical :wink:. And for this strange split between 2D and 3D which I never truly understood (however I was once its victim too) - I think the most reasonable split (if any) would be between still image and animation/objects for games. I have spoke (my personal opinion of course). Howgh! :smile:

First of all I don't think traditional medium is "true" and digital is "false". There is great paintings make in digital.

There's a pretty big chance that if they would live today, they would use digital tools because these are the most advanced tools of our time.

I don't think so.It's not advanced just help to make people who don't have skills and can't draw to look like they are artist and fool others :smile: As I say you can achieve same result with traditional media.

You can't reproduce on traditional media everything what can be achievable in digital media

  • you can. Just will be more time consuming, maybe depend of your level.

And for this strange split between 2D and 3D which I never truly understood (however I was once its victim too) - I think the most reasonable split (if any) would be between still image and animation/objects for games.

If I capture some key frame from movie or 3d animation is that frame have same value like painting?

Just want to say that there is artists and fake artists. Sorry but I can't have respect for someone who can't draw can't make some classical portrait but can merge some photos put some fx and voala - great job! We all know in contemporary art people who cant draw but make living from one yellow square over the red triangle or make pop art - do you respect these people? Do you believe they are a true artist?

Very famous artist in digital community who work on many AAA titles have character design course which is how to find some fashion models photos and from one take legs from other take head from third take clothes mix that use some fx\filters take from other photo helmet and some gun to look like sci-fi and voala you are great character designer! Do you believe in that? Is that is good character design for you? And this is his workflow all his character art is based on that.

In these days most of the things are fake - fake emotions, fake communications, fake food, fake people, fake art...The good artist rely on his knowledge not on his tools. He can achieve similar result no matter what media or tool he uses. He can make similar painting in ms paint,photoshop,art rage or with watercolor, pastels or acrylic because he have knowledge. The fake artist rely heavy on his tools.If you take from him his favorite tools he can't achieve same result with other tool because he spent his time to learn how to use these tools to fake what other people can do from knowledge and understanding of form lighting anatomy etc.Just like the good artist the fake artist is not connected to some exact media - digital or traditional.

Some example - in sports if you use performance drugs/doping you will not true athlete. It's the same in art - photo bashing, heavy rely on software and "advanced" tools to cover your lack of knowledge and unable to actually paint without paste/copy some other work or photo on canvas, using 3d programs to fake 2d painting because you don't have understanding for light and forms and rely some software to calculate them for you, or overall achieve faster and better results from other who actually paint their works for me is doping. And make you fake artist. And people know it.

I have one riddle for all of you. Why Loish have so many fan base and she don't rely on photos fancy fx and filters for her art and you can't mistake her style and in the other hand one of the judge who are very famous but rely heavy on photos for his art and tutorials have 1/10 from her fan base? Just answer for yourself :smile:

Hi Konstantin
I had a feeling that it may go this way if I will express my thoughts but... just couldn't resist (silly me - sorry for that). I saw this kind of debates many times and I totally respect you - even if I see things differently. I don't want reply verse by verse (and then you will do the same and so on) because I think this is not the place for that kind of discussion. I think it slowly become balancing on the edge of bad taste and I saw a few times when things went very ugly and unpleasant after that. Besides - that kind of discussion is EXTREMELY time and mind consuming (they are endless actually) and I believe it's better to spend our resources on practicing. That one thing connects us despite our differences. So... what do you say if I would propose for both of us to go and create something? I hope I didn't offend you in any way. It wasn't my intention because I respect every artist who share the same struggle every day - no matter what they opinions are. Peace Brother! Maybe we will meet again in another Challenge :smile:


Congratulations to all those who have been chosen as finalists!!!
Your works are really awesome!
it was an honor to take part in this competition with these "super" artists :blush:

Hi Jonatan,
I don't understand what is wrong with this kind of discussion and why here is not a right place for that kind of discussion? For me it's good thing to make people to think and ask themselves questions. In the end it's all about mindset, personal preference and moral vision to cheat and or not cheat. I just have two questions:

Let imagine that you now start your journey in the art. You admire some artist and you go to live painting session, practice to be a better artist learn many things to make better art like him.But one day discover that your favorite artist actually can't really draw and just use things from outside to make his art.You discover that he actually can't drawing anything good with paper and pen. What do you feel? Continue to admire that artist? Do you feel disappointing or feel good because you know that you can draw much better than someone who you think as your idol?

And the second question. Imagine that you and your friend have habit to go to the gym.You want to be in good condition and shape. But you can't see your friend for two weeks and in the next day you see him in the gym.He is very different - very good condition big muscles all what you want to achieve.You are surprised and ask him what is happening - he say to you - "drugs brother, everyone uses these days why don't use it in the end all that important is the end result no matter how you achieve it!" What do you feel? Yes you will continue to be friends but will you change your attitude about him? Will you become like him and start use drugs? Or try to explain to him that this is cheating and it is not good for his health? He use again things outside himself to achieve results who you achieve slower but from yourself and your training/practice!

That's all brother, I wish you all the best.I just want more people to think and rely on themselves rather than rely on things from outside.

In the end I want to say that I know that I have long road to be finalist but want to say something about judging - the more famous you are - more responsible you have to be!
It's not serious to have deadline for people who are in this challenge but you don't have deadline when is your final judging! Also it's not good first you say you will have 20 finalists it each category but later with no explanation reduce it to 10 and 15. Also why you use rules when you don't use them? Use for some people and don't use for other. I talk about disqualification of ,,Cats after people". Why he is disqualified but in the same time people who don't keep that restriction

You may use 3D for the construction of your environment only - no 3D objects or materials should be visible in your final illustration

are finalist. This not say good about the challenge and judging!
Sorry for my English it's not native.

Best regards